3 Items in bag
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Here are some suggestions if you are having trouble viewing our site:
We always use a cover image for each type of product, and sometimes it doesn't match the style that you chose; however, this does not mean that you have the wrong item in your cart. Each item will have the chosen style listed in it's description, called the 'Option'. This will confirm which style you chose.
If you are still not sure if the correct style is listed, then you can either leave a comment in the 'Special Instructions' box, or contact us to let us know of your concern. Please include the style, your order number, and any other information you would like us to know.
Not to worry! The preview will not be the final product. One of our Label Daddy experts will be sure to adjust any of the information that you want to have placed on your label. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us to let us know.
Please note that long names on small labels may require small text that can be difficult to read. If there are any concerns please be sure to contact us to make sure we can make your labels look great.
Our site is supported by all of the most highly used web browsers, for both desktop and mobile users. If you are using any of the browsers listed, and the site is still not working, then you may need to update your browser.