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Begin by selecting a label pack from one of our collections.
Provide you or your child's name and any additional details.
Choose a favorite logo or design from our one of our style categories.
Our designers will customizer your order and get your labels shipped out asap!
Dive into the extensive collection of testimonials from our cherished clients, offering detailed insights into their experiences and satisfaction with our services, allowing you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the value we provide.
Our designers are here to make your labels perfect. We want your kiddo's name to be as clear and as visible as possible. Unlike our competitors, we have in-house designers who personally build out and proof your label packs.
Our labels are made to last and much better than the old sharpie on a tag trick. Each label is made to withstand many of life's craziness while still being simple to remove when it's time to move on.
Need to toss that shirt in the washing machine? Does that cup need a good wash? Our labels are 100% safe for labeled items that need to be thrown in the washing machine, dishwasher or even hand washed.
We're here to save lunchtime too! Label all your food storage containers to avoid any mix-ups. Each label is safe for the fridge and freezer.
Need to pop your lunch container in the microwave or dry that clean shirt? Our labels can even withstand the microwave and dryer.
We're here to save you time, money and your sanity! Say goodbye to the lost and found and hello to returned property. Properly labeled items are easier to recover and can help to prevent confusion with similar items.